Benefits of Taxpro

The benefits of Taxpro include:
  • We are an Incorporated Society acting as a collective organisation run by Inland Revenue Employees for Inland Revenue Employees.
  • You belong to a collective voice where we all face the same issues and can support each other. 
  • We offer representation by people who are Inland Revenue employees and therefore understand the business and the issues on a personal level.  Our representatives are well trained to support you and any issues you face.
  • We employ a professional employment relations specialist for consultation and negotiation of workplace issues.
  • We are able to keep our subscription rates to minimum, as we only use these for paying for professional services and other direct Taxpro costs.


Taxpro subscriptions are cost-effective and reasonable:
  • A discounted annual subscription payable from 1st July each year. (See Taxpro Authorisation Form or apply online)
  • We offer regular automatic fortnightly deductions from each pay, pro rated for a part-time employee.
  • We will suspend the subscriptions while a member is on any form of leave without pay for example Parental Leave.
  • We review our subscriptions each year and dependent on the capital reserves, the National Executive may increase or decrease the subscription. Taxpro will maintain a cash reserve to cover a minimum of two future years operating costs.
  • See your Representative for current subscription details.  These are also set out in the Authority to Act form .

Taxpro Representation

National Executive

Members elect our National Executive from local office representatives, seven coming from the regional areas and three specialist appointments which are set every two years.  This provides the flexibility to ensure members are represented in a way that reflects what workplace and issues of the current environment and the every changing structure of Inland Revenue.  This gives us a 10-member board plus an appointed Taxpro representative as Secretary/Treasurer.

Members elect our National Executive for a 2-year term.

Where our National Executive needs expertise from a business unit, they will co-opt a representative or member with the skills needed for the consultation or negotiation.

Local Office Representation/Liaison
  • A Taxpro representative in your office will be available to act as an advocate for your employment situation, as needed but may call on expertise from the National Executive as needed.
  • Any location/office that does not have an elected representative will have a liaison person, who will be able to call on other Taxpro representatives within your region.
  • In cases of personal grievances, Taxpro provides effective support for its members and subject to its policies and professional advice will take cases to mediation and the employment court where appropriate.
  • We are able to address current issues quickly and effectively because of the flat structure of Taxpro.
  • Any member can contact a National Executive member.
  • We keep consultation and negotiating teams to 3-4 representatives to ensure we do not lose sight of the big picture among private agendas.

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